Physics Seminars

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Not only is it important to ask questions and find the answers, as a scientist I felt obligated to communicate with the world what we were learning.
Stephen Hawking, in Brief Answers to the Big Questions

This is a list of our WLM seminars (in chronological order, last given is last in the list). Note that we call "seminar" everything, which actually includes research talks, evening Lectures, students presentations, etc.

  1. Hancock seminar (March 2018) on nanographene.
  2. Petrov seminar (October 2018) on squeezed light.
  3. Nobel seminar (October 2018) on the Nobel prize of this year.
  4. Iop.png Wilkinson seminar (December 2018) on medical & forensic applications of Physics.
  5. Iop.png Cross seminar (January 2019) on fast cars.
  6. Iop.png Newsam seminar (April 2019) on Astronomy and Art.
  7. Nalitov seminar (May 2019) on topogical and nonlinear effects with polaritons.
  8. Sigurdsson seminar (June 2019) on time-delay polaritonics.
  9. Khalid seminar (September 2019) on being a University student.
  10. del Valle seminar (September 2019) on the research in Physics in Wolverhampton.
  11. Iop.png Sánchez Muñoz seminar (October 2019) on the tinest possible sound.
  12. Iop.png Nobel seminar (October 2019) on the Nobel prize of this year.
  13. Iop.png Whittaker seminar (November 2019) on the character of Physical laws.
  14. Iop.png Christmas Lecture (December 2019) on Music. Notes.png
  15. Iop.png Wilkinson seminar (January 2020) on Physics in Science-Fiction writing.
  16. Iop.png Ramsay seminar (January 2020) on physics pushing the frontiers of technology.
  17. Iop.png De Liberato seminar (February 2020) on scientific enteprenership.
  18. Iop.png Nalitov seminar (March 2020) on time crystals.
  19. Iop.png Ohadi seminar (April 2020) on weird quantum fluids.
  20. Iop.png Khechara seminar (April 2020) on the most dangerous experiments in Physics.


We also keep a list of interesting seminars of special interest to the audience of ours:

  1. Wolverhampton Astronomical Society (March 2019) on the Science of Armageddon.