Christmas Lecture (December 2019)
Christmas Lecture
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- What? For the Love of Music! (and all the Physics behind it...)
- Who? Dr. Elena del Valle – web & mail.
- Where? Wulfruna building (city campus), room MA030
- When? Wednesday 18 December 2019, refreshments are available from 7.00pm, lecture starts at 7.30pm, we finish by 9.00pm.
- Why? IOP Lecture & Christmas Lecture ― To celebrate Christmas seminarly.
- How? The talk is one hour and open to questions — refreshments will be served.
- Chair: Dr. Andrew Gascoyne.
- Registration: (optional but recommended for catering) [ Get me some drinks].
Abstract: Music resonates with the deepest roots of our Human nature. It has the power to change our moods, bring us peace in those hard moments and help us connect with others and their creativity. Understanding what defines Music is to explain how the sounds that we hear must be structured in order to feel "good" and what makes us people able to enjoy them. This involves mathematical patterns, their realization through various physical media and their eventual combination in a way that brings meaning or sense. At such, this is a question ideally put to a physicist, whose explorations can add a new dimension to the appreciation of music for everybody with an interest in either Science and/or Art. In this Christmas Lecture, Dr. del Valle will unravel the Physics and Maths that explain what makes Music, in a festive presentation that will be using several instruments and some talents from the audience!