Nalitov seminar (March 2020)
Nalitov Seminar
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- What? Time Crystals
- Who? Dr. Anton Nalitov – web & mail.
- Where? Wulfruna building (city campus), room MA030
- When? Wednesday 4 March 2020, refreshments are available from 7.00pm, lecture starts at 7.30pm, we finish by 9.00pm.
- Why? IOP Evening Lecture, on research-edge Physics
- How? The talk is one hour and open to questions — refreshments will be served.
- Chair: Eduardo Zubizarretta Casalengua
- Registration: (optional but recommended for catering) [ Get me some drinks].
Abstract: Although they don’t allow time travel, time crystals are still incredible. For more than a century, we know from Einstein’s theory of relativity that space and time are inseparable and that, in fact, we live in spacetime. But how far can this interrelation go into our macroworld and the microworld? One of the border lines separating space from time is the existence of crystals, states of matter perfectly self-ordered in space. Their potential spacetime or time counterparts would have to evolve periodically without friction. Quantum physics shows examples of frictionless motion such as superconductivity and superfluidity, but can this be periodically self-ordered? These seemingly basic questions are being tackled by physicists for almost a decade now. In this lecture, Dr Nalitov will overview the progress in this emerging field, connecting the dots in the physics of the impossible.