IOP Quizz
From Wolverhampton Light and Matter
We host Evening Lectures (see here for a list of lectures). For the 2019-2020 Series, we started a competition that consists of a series of 10 questions extended by the ten speakers to their audience. At the end of the program, the persons with the highest scores (from a pool of 10 points, hopefully) will enter a draw to select a winner who will receive a special prize linked to this year's edition.
- "What are some of the tiniest musical instruments ever made?" from Carlos Sánchez Muñoz's the tiniest sound Lecture.
- "What was the physical principle used to detect the first exoplanet?" from Fabrice Laussy's Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 Lecture.
Please write down carefully your answer. We will call for submissions after the cycle completes. In the meantime, do attend a maximum number of lectures! And let your guts feeling speak for those that you couldn't make.