How does Physics approach other Sciences? (December 2018)
How does Physics approach other Sciences?
(one of our Physics Bout)
On December 3, 2018, in MC438 from 9.00-11.00, Prof. Laussy gave a two-hour (plus questions) presentation of what Physics is and how it relates to other sciences. Refreshments and snacks offered at 9.00, the lecture starts at 9.30. The main audience is any Level-3 University of Wolverhampton student with an interest in sciences in general and physics in particular.

Physics is the most multifaceted discipline of Science. It involves exploring, experimenting and theorising, with all the scientific topics as its playground, from chemistry to engineering passing by astronomy and with something to say about other sister disciplines, such as biology, geology, complex systems (flocks of birds, stock markets, etc.), and just about every topics. A physicist is someone who wants to figure things out. To do so, he/she relies on a broad toolkit, from complex simulations run by computer codes to simple models based on a mathematical idea.
This session will introduce the topics at large and put Physics in perspective of other sciences. It will explain what is the spirit and methods of thinking of a physicist, and how differently other scientists from other disciplines (e.g., a Mathematician, an Engineer) would approach the same problem. At the core of our presentation will be some practical demonstrations, including rotating and falling objects. Everybody with any type of interest in Science, welcome!