Polish cases: tables
Polish cases: tables
Dopełniacz (genitive)
Singular | ||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||
Animated | Inanimated | |||
Adjective | -ego | -ego | -ej | -ego |
Noun | -a | -a, -u | -y, -ki, -gi | -a |
Plural | ||||
Adjective | -ych, -ich | |||
Noun | -ów, -y/-i | - |
- Nie mam starszego brata
- Nie lubię zimnej zupy
- Nie lubię ciepłego piwa
Some masculine nouns, specially inanimate monosyllabic nouns and polysyllabic nouns of foreign origin, take the ending -u in the genitive, e.g., sklepu, domu, uniwersytetu, autobusu, hotelu.
An adverbial of place referring to the area where an activity starts has the structure z + Genitive:
- wychodzimy z placu
- idziemy z parku
- wysiadamy z autobusu
An adverbial of place referring to the area where an activity starts is directed do + Genitive:
- jedziemy do Wilanowa
- wchodzimy do pałacu
- wracamy do domu
The accusative of the direct object takes the form of the genitive after verbs in the negative (nie mam apetytu, nie mam temperatury)
In the plural
The genitive plural of masculine nouns usually has the ending -ów (papierosów, parków, obrazów, proszków, tygodników, listów).
- Nouns with the stems ending in a soft or hardened consonant have the endings -y or -i (grosze — groszy, pieniądze — pieniędzy, fotele — foteli, meble — mebli, parasole — parasoli).
The genitive plural of feminine and neuter nouns usually ends in a consonant (zero consonant): gazes pań, głów, kin.
- In some nouns the vowel e can appear here: zapałek, mydeł, okien
The genitive plural of adjectives in all the gender forms takes the ending -ych (drobnych, złotych) or -ich (ostatnich)
After collective nouns, as with numerals from 5 upwards, the genitive plural of nouns is required, e.g., tłum pasażerów.
Celownik (dative)
Singular | ||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||
Animated | Inanimated | |||
Adjective | -owi, -u | -(i)e, -y, -i | -u | |
Noun | -emu | -ej | -emu | |
Plural | ||||
Adjective | -ym, -kim, -gim | |||
Noun | -om |
- Ona przyglądała się temu nowemu budynku.
- Swojej najlepszej przyjaciółce mogła powiedzieć wszystko
- Nieznajomy dał mojemu młodszemu synowi lizaka.
- Masculine nouns take the endings: -owi (Nowakowi) or -u (panu) in the dative singular.
- The dative singular of all neuter nouns and all feminine nouns is the same as the locative case.
- The dative plural has only one ending -om for the three genders of nouns.
- The dative singular of adjectives has the ending -emu for the masculine and neuter forms, and the ending -ej for the feminine forms; while the dative plural has the same ending -ym, -im for all gender forms.
Biernik (accusative)
Singular | ||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||
Animated | Inanimated | |||
Adjective | -ego | -y, -ki, -gi | -ą | -e |
Noun | -a | - | -ę | -o, -e, -ę, -um |
Plural | ||||
Adjective | -ych | -e | ||
Noun | -ów | -y |
- Mam inteligentnego brata
- Mam długą listę
- Mam sportowe auto
The accusative of masculine inanimate nouns and neuter nouns have the same case forms as the nominative. The accusative of male human nouns has the same form as Genitive.
The accusative singular of feminine nouns takes the ending ę: znam dziewczynę
The accusative singular of feminine adjectives ends in -ą: znam ładną dziewczynę
The accusative plural of non-virile nouns is the same as the nominative plural: oglądam fotografie, znam dziewczyny
An adverbial of place referring to the area where an activity starts is directed na + Accusative (when the place involved is in the open air):
- idziemy na przystanek
- idziemy na plac
Adverbials of purpose have a similar structure na + Accusative:
- czekamy na autobus, na kolację
- idziemy na kawę, na obiad
The combination of the preposition w and the accusative plural: w kwiaty, w paski, w grouchy refers to the design of an object and functions as an attributive modifier
Narzędnik (instrumental)
Singular | ||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||
Animated | Inanimated | |||
Adjective | -ym, -kim, -gim | -ą | -ym, -kim, -gim | |
Noun | -em | -ą | -em | |
Plural | ||||
Adjective | -ymi, -imi | |||
Noun | -ami |
- Trzeba władać tym przypadnikiem gramatycznym
- Interesuję się muzyką klasyczną
- Matka zajmuje się domem i dziećmi
The combination of the preposition przed with the instrumental can function both as an adverbial of place (przed drzwiami) and an adverbial of time (przed południem).
The instrumental plural of adjectives has the ending -ymi, -imi for all gender forms.
Miejscownik (locative)
Singular | ||||
Masculine | Feminine | Neuter | ||
Animated | Inanimated | |||
Adjective | -ym, -kim, -gim | -ej | -ym, -kim, -gim | |
Noun | -e, -u | -e, -y, -i | -e, -u | |
Plural | ||||
Adjective | -ych, -ich | |||
Noun | -ach |
- Album o starym Krakowie
- On myśli o nowej pracy
- Oglądałam film o argentińskim tangu
The locative singular of masculine and neuter nouns has the endings -e and -u.
- Nouns with the stem ending in a hard consonant, with the exception of k, 'g and ch have ending -e.
- Nouns with the stem ending in a soft consonant as well as in k, 'g and ch' have ending -u. The ending -u also occurs exceptionally in the locative of the nouns dom, syn and pan.
The locative singular of feminine nouns has the endings -e , -i and -y.
- For nouns with the stem ending in a hard consonant: -e
- For nouns with the stem ending in a soft consonant: -i
- For nouns with the stem ending in a hardened consonant: -y
An adverbial of place referring to the area where an activity takes place has the structure na, w (we) or po + Locative:
- czekamy na przystanku
- czytamy w autobusie
- chodzimy po alejkach, po ulicach
Ad adverbial of time can be expressed by the structure po + Locative:
- po podróży (after the journey)
Adverbials of time referring to the seasons of the year can be explained either by the instrumental or a preposition with the locative case forms:
- latem — w lecie
- jesienią — na jesieni
- zimą — w zimie
Only the noun wiosna has the prepositional phrase formed with the accusative!
- wiosną — na wiosnę
The object of the verb mówić is expressed by the preposition o+Loc: e.g., mówić o porach roku.
The locative plural of adjectives has the ending -ych, -ich for al gender forms.
Wołacz (vocative)
- The vocative of masculine nouns is generally the same as the locative case forms (with the exception of the noun pan, the vocative of which is panie!).
- Feminine nouns ending in -a with stems ending in a hard consonant, have the vocative in -o. Those which denote the diminutive of forenames, with stems ending in a soft consonant, have the ending -u.