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Welcome to my personal web site.
Welcome to my personal web site.

This website is the answer to an everlasting craving to express my thoughts in a written form.
I set up this website in October 2016, mainly as the answer to an
However, conveying ideas in a clear and unambiguous way is not an straightforward task, and it is only
everlasting craving to express my thoughts in a written form.
by practicing that it can be improved.
However, conveying ideas in a clear, unambiguous and interesting
way is far from an easy task. Thus, my [[Blog|blogs]] are the
platform that supports my writing exercises. In them I discuss
day-to-day events, as well as scientific topics that are related
to my scientific career.

Revision as of 19:37, 23 October 2016

Welcome to my personal web site.

I set up this website in October 2016, mainly as the answer to an everlasting craving to express my thoughts in a written form. However, conveying ideas in a clear, unambiguous and interesting way is far from an easy task. Thus, my blogs are the platform that supports my writing exercises. In them I discuss day-to-day events, as well as scientific topics that are related to my scientific career.