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Dr. Fabrice P. Laussy (Head)


I am a French theoretical physicist, with an interest in most topics of physics and working more specifically in the fields of quantum optics, light-matter interactions, condensed matter and solid-state physics. I obtained my Ph.D in 2005 at the Université Blaise Pascal (in France) and gained extensive post-doctoral experience throughout Europe with stays in Sheffield (UK), Madrid (Spain), Southampton (UK) & Munich (Germany), the latter as a Marie Curie Fellow. In the period 2012—2016, I built a Research Group in Madrid, Spain, as a Ramón y Cajal fellow and with the support of the ERC starting grant POLAFLOW. In 2017, I took up a position of Principal Lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton where I officiate as the Director of Study for Physics, setting on foot an ambitious Physics course for this vibrant University.

My proudest achievements in Science include a theory of Bose-Einstein condensation based on quantum Boltzmann master equations, the theory of frequency-resolved photon correlations and the study of its applications, including the proposal for a new type of light where photons are replaced by groups (or bundles) of $N$ photons for a tunable integer $N$, and the design of a device to generate it: the bundler. Recently, I also contributed to the first demonstration of a genuine quantum character of polaritons (light-matter molecules). I am co-author of the popular textbook Microcavities. My immediate goals are to i) move forward quantum technologies based on our theoretical breakthroughs and ii) build a thriving Physics branch at the UoW to implement the noble mission of the University of bringing hand in hand research and teaching, as two facets of the same coin, that of knowledge. Non scholæ sed vitæ.

Juan Camilo López Carreño (PhD)


My path in Physics started in 2009 at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá—the Andean capital of Colombia. There I did the undergraduate studies of physics and after completing the five years program under the guidance of Dr. Herbert Vinck, I set sails into research on Quantum Optics. My journey continued in 2014, this time in Spain, at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid where I obtained the Master degree and was fortunate to become part of the group of Dr. Fabrice Laussy and Dr. Elena del Valle and join their efforts in the research on fundamental issues of Quantum Mechanics and the quantum description of Polaritons.



We are starting from scratch. We need motivated people at all levels of qualification. Join us, if you can!

Close collaborators

Dr. Elena del Valle


Elena is a theorist with expertise in dissipative quantum optics and skills in analytical methods and mathematical developments. She is the lead theorist of the frequency-resolved photon-correlations and one of the pillar in our activities designing new photonic technologies.

Prof. Daniele Sanvitto


Daniele is the head of the advanced photonics lab in Lecce, Italy. He is our top experimentalist collaborator with whom we are actively working on a new road toward quantum computing.

Dr. Amir Rahmani


Amir is an Iranian theorist with expertise in dealing with old-style, lengthy algebra running through scores of handwritten pages. We collaborate on light-matter dynamics in unconventional configurations and with new degrees of freedom.