World Space Week

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On Friday 7 October (in -2720 days)

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The University of Wolverhampton celebrated the World Space Week, the largest annual space event in the world.

This event was set up by the UNESCO to commemorate the launch of the first human-made Earth satellite—Sputnik 1—on October 4, 1957, and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967. It takes place every year in between these two anniversaries.

We joined the celebration with two short talks, on space conquest and on the physics of stars, and a demonstration of the Physics underlying rocket propulsion, by flying our own water bottle rocket.


The events were free for all to come and were held as part of the University's Open Day, where the audience also got a chance to see how other disciplines relate to this always more pressing challenge to humanity: how to conquer other planets.


You can download the presentation how to get there