Open Days

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Open Days

The University of Wolverhampton regularly host Open Days, and Physics is always (and increasingly) represented there.

Next Open Day:
7 October 2017 (in -2717 days)

The Open Day is a great opportunity to pass the doors and see what the University of Wolverhampton is like inside and what a great breadth of topics are represented there. For people interested in hard sciences, beside interacting with us Physicists, you can also meet Mathematicians, Computer Scientists and Engineers (Chemical, Aerospace or Motorsport, among others). It's always great fun to have a tour and see what other disciplines are up to as well, including Forensic Sciences, Architecture or Psychology. If you can get to see the other campuses as well, there's chance to see Dance, Drama and theatre or Performing arts among a myriad of other expressions of the human intellect. The University is a welcoming place for the brain, and it is always a good place to visit.


Past Days

19 August 2017

The University of Wolverhampton hosted an Open Day in August, on the 19th (a Wednesday), from 9am-3pm, featuring all the branches of the University, but also, prominently, Physics. We gave two talks, discussing what Physics is about, with a demonstration of the conservation of angular momentum:


In the evening, the Wolves were playing, so football enthusiasts could finish off the day nicely in the stadium or at any of our local pubs.

17 June 2017

The University of Wolverhampton hosted an Open Day on Saturday, 17 June 2017. Physics was represented there for the first time. We were in the Harrison Learning Centre and it was great to breathe all that enthusiasm from many young people, including very young ones.