Whittaker seminar (November 2019)
Whittaker Seminar
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- What? The Science & Art of running barefoot
- Who? Prof. David Whittaker – web & mail.
- Where? Wulfruna building (city campus), room MA030
- When? Wednesday 6 November 2019, refreshments are available from 7.00pm, lecture starts at 7.30pm, we finish by 9.00pm.
- Why? IOP Evening Lecture, our first relating to sport.
- How? The talk is one hour and open to questions — refreshments will be served.
- Chair: Dr. Elena del Valle
- Registration: (optional but recommended for catering) [ Get me some drinks].
Abstract: According to legend, Pheidippides, the first marathoner, ran from Athens to Sparta in less than 36 hours. After the Battle of Marathon, he ran straight to Athens to inform of the Greek victory over Persia. He did all that barefoot. In our days where science can optimize everything, even activities practiced since Antiquity, like running, have been put to the scrutiny of analysis, simulation and experimentation. Yet, there are several cases where the old-way-to-do-it seems to overcome all ingenious and sophisticated engineering strategies to boost our efficiency and performances. Running is a typical case where an extreme minimalist approach seems to compete with the best sporty gear, and several champions crossed the line first in top competition events without shoes. In this off-the-beaten track Lecture (sensitive soles, beware), Prof. David Whittaker will review some of the science about the evolution of humans as endurance runners, and discuss the science (or rather lack of it) of the benefits of running shoes. He will also share some personal reflections of his career as a barefoot runner over the last 10 years.