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The {{uow}} will host a "Physics before Tea" afternoon on June 23. It is open to everybody. Please join!
#REDIRECT [[Physics before Tea (June 2017)]]
= Description =
This is a free event for everybody interested in Physics, particularly for schools and colleges pupils who are considering to study the topic at the University level. On this pioneering session, we will discuss both the oldest and the newest experiments in Physics, and conduct a simple demonstration with a radioactive source to contrast how a Physicist does approach such a phenomenon (in contrast to other types of scientists).
Attendance is free but [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/physics-day-tickets-35037396797 pre-registration is required] (ignore the program that has been moved to our [[Physics Day (date to be fixed)|Physics Day]]; you can join that as well). You can also [mailto:f.laussy@wlv.ac.uk contact us] for any questions you may have.
== Schedule ==
* 14:00: Reception and collect visitor badges.
* 14:00 – 15:00, what is Physics, discussing classic and modern trends.
* 15:00 – 16:00, an example, $\gamma$ radiations.
* 16:00 – 17:00, Physics at Wolverhampton, why it's different, why it's better, what's going to happen there.
At 17:00, tea will be served to close the meeting and exchange in a more informal, relaxed fashion.
== See also ==
* Our [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGF_BSlc62w Course Video].
* Our [http://camilopez.org/mediawiki-1.28.0/index.php?title=Lectures Applied Physics page]

Latest revision as of 14:52, 22 June 2017