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= News =
= News =
(''News'' that are not new anymore become part of the timeline)
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]] We participate to the '''[http://www.optica.pt/aop2017/ III International Conference on Applications of Optics and Photonics]''', May 8-12, Faro, [[Portugal]] with a plenary talk ([[Fabrice]]) and a contributed talk ([[Camilo]]).
* We participate to the '''[http://pcs.ibs.re.kr/PCS_Workshops/PCS_Physics_of_Exciton-Polaritons_in_Artificial_Lattices.html Physics of Exciton-Polaritons in Artificial Lattices]''', Workshop of the [http://pcs.ibs.re.kr/PCS_Main_Home/PCS_Home.html Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems], May 15-19, Daejeon, South Korea, with an Invited talk ([[Fabrice]]) and a contributed talk ([[Camilo]]).
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] Fabrice has been invited to talk to the '''[https://www2.uni-wuerzburg.de/plmcn18/speakers.php 18<sup>th</sup> PLMCN]''', which features two Nobel prizes this year.
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] Fabrice has been invited to the prestigious '''[http://www.nano-initiative-munich.de/ Resonator QED conference]''', 31 August-1 September, [[Munich]], [[Germany]], with an Invited talk (45 min tutorial).
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] Fabrice has been invited to the prestigious '''[http://www.nano-initiative-munich.de/ Resonator QED conference]''', 31 August-1 September, Munich, Germany, with an Invited talk (45 min tutorial).
* We got an invited talk to the ''[http://www.hpm2017.org/ Hybrid Photonics and Materials]''', 25-29 September, Mykonos, [[Greece]].
* We got an invited talk to the ''[http://www.hpm2017.org/ Hybrid Photonics and Materials]''', 25-29 September, Mykonos, Greece.
* 3rd of May, We study the Inverse square law with A level students from the [http://www.dudleycol.ac.uk/ Dudley College].
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] June 23, '''[[Physics Day (June 2017)|Physics Day]]''' at the [[UoW]]: come and learn about lasers, $\gamma$ rays and technologies of the future, and what the UoW has to offer you in some of the most fascinating aspects of sciences. Everybody welcome.
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] June 23, '''[[Physics Day]]''' at the [[UoW]]: come and learn about lasers, $\gamma$ rays and technologies of the future, and what the UoW has to offer you in the most fascinating of disciplines. Everybody welcome.
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] September 25: The '''[[Applied Physics]]''' course at the [[UoW]] starts.
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] September 25: The '''[[Applied Physics]]''' course at the [[UoW]] starts.
= Timeline =
= Timeline =
* Day 145: New research paper submitted, "''Frequency-resolved Monte Carlo''": [https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.10978 arXiv:1705.10978].
* Day 140: Our paper [https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.215301 Macroscopic Two-Dimensional Polariton Condensates] is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. (and makes the cover of the journal):
* Day 130: Fabrice gives an invited talk at the [http://pcs.ibs.re.kr/PCS_Workshops/PCS_Physics_of_Exciton-Polaritons_in_Artificial_Lattices.html Physics of Exciton-Polaritons in Artificial Lattices Workshop] of the Institute of Basic Science, at the Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon, South Korea. Camilo gives a contributed talk.
* Day 125: The 2nd edition of [https://global.oup.com/academic/product/microcavities-9780198782995?cc=gb&lang=en& Microcavities] is now available.
* Day 123: Fabrice gives a plenary talk at the [http://www.optica.pt/aop2017/ Conference on Applications in Optics and Photonics] (AOP2017), in Faro. Camilo gives a contributed talk.
* Day 117: First demonstration, with our [[Experiments with gamma rays|$\gamma$ radiosource]]: [[Inverse Square law with gamma rays, Dudley college (May 2017)|studying the inverse square law with the Dudley college]].
<!--* Day 85: Our web goes live.-->
<!--* Day 85: Our web goes live.-->
* Day 116: Our paper ''Structure of the Harmonic Oscillator in the space of n-particle Glauber correlators'' is accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Physics.
* Day 115: Our contributed talk "N-photon emission from resonance fluorescence" to the 18<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures ([https://www2.uni-wuerzburg.de/plmcn18/ PLMCN18]) got upgraded to an Invited Talk.
* Day 113: Our paper "Macroscopic two-dimensional polariton condensates" by Ballarini ''et al.'' is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.
* Day 104: Updated version of our experiment entangling a polariton with a photon: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.01244v2 arXiv:1609.01244v2].
* Day 104: Updated version of our experiment entangling a polariton with a photon: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.01244v2 arXiv:1609.01244v2].
* Day 95: New Research paper submitted, ''Photon Correlations from the Mollow triplet'': [http://arxiv.org/abs/1704.03220 arXiv:1704.03220]
* Day 95: New Research paper submitted, ''Photon Correlations from the Mollow triplet'': [http://arxiv.org/abs/1704.03220 arXiv:1704.03220]

Revision as of 09:25, 2 June 2017



  • Day 104: Updated version of our experiment entangling a polariton with a photon: arXiv:1609.01244v2.
  • Day 95: New Research paper submitted, Photon Correlations from the Mollow triplet: arXiv:1704.03220
  • Day 87: We made an outreach video for the quickly approaching Physics course.
  • Day 82: bits of a Fabrice's interview pop up in an article of Le Monde.png.
  • Day 80: Microcavities's 2nd edition has been submitted for production.
  • Day 68: Our proposal "quopp" is submitted (QuantERA).
  • Day 46: Camilo joins the group.
  • Day 34: Our proposal ȹ is submitted (ERC).
  • Day 7: First talk (for the UK Quantum Dot day of the IOP).