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For this we need Physicists who understand Research and Teaching as the two sides of the same coin, and adhere to Feynman's standard of ''what I cannot explain I do not understand''.
For this we need Physicists who understand Research and Teaching as the two sides of the same coin, and adhere to Feynman's standard of ''what I cannot explain I do not understand''.
We also need Physics students with unbounded ambition
We also need Physics students with unbounded ambition... bla bla bla

Revision as of 09:35, 4 April 2017

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.

Join Us!

We're opening a Physics branch at the University of Wolverhampton. Everything is to be done! Challenges are considerable, we're starting from scratch and aim to become internationally leading in within 5 years. This can be achieved by turning challenges into opportunities, providing a unique, outstanding, expert feedback to students and accompany them in the daring choice of a new course in a small University right to the edge of the state of the art, with one feet in the terra incognita and the other rooted in the methods of how to explore and conquer it.

For this we need Physicists who understand Research and Teaching as the two sides of the same coin, and adhere to Feynman's standard of what I cannot explain I do not understand.

We also need Physics students with unbounded ambition... bla bla bla