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(Created page with "Our group is the core component of the Applied Physics course, delivering teaching at level 4 in: * Optics (semester 1) * Electromagnetism (semester 2) * Quantu...")
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And these are the weekly-calendars for Applied Physics:
* [[:File:Phys-wlv-level-4-SEM1-2017-18.pdf|Semester 1]]
* [[:File:Phys-wlv-level-4-SEM2-2017-18.pdf|Semester 2]]

Revision as of 16:25, 30 March 2017

Our group is the core component of the Applied Physics course, delivering teaching at level 4 in:

You will find more course-specific content on Canvas (available when the course will start, in September 2017). We will try to deliver the Optics module as a blended e-learning experience, with video-recording of the material.

Our head of group is also the Director of Studies for Physics at the University, with responsibility for the success and well-being of all the enrolled students.

This is the academic calendar:


And these are the weekly-calendars for Applied Physics: