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<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]] December 11, We talk about ''Sounds'' at the Christmas Lecture, in the Arena Theatre.-->
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]] December 11, We talk about ''Sounds'' at the Christmas Lecture, in the Arena Theatre.-->
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] August 19, '''[[Physics Day]]''' at the [[UoW]]: come and learn about lasers, \gamma rays and technologies of the future, and what the UoW has to offer you in some of the most fascinating aspects of sciences. Everybody welcome.-->
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] August 19, '''[[Physics Day]]''' at the [[UoW]]: come and learn about lasers, \gamma rays and technologies of the future, and what the UoW has to offer you in some of the most fascinating aspects of sciences. Everybody welcome.
*  [[File:newave.gif|link=]] September (2018): Fabrice gets invited to the [https://metanano.ifmo.ru/ METANANO-2018] in Sochi, Russia.
*  [[File:newave.gif|link=]] September (2018): Fabrice gets invited to the [https://metanano.ifmo.ru/ METANANO-2018] in Sochi, Russia.-->
= Timeline =
= Timeline =

Revision as of 10:46, 18 November 2018


(News that are not new anymore become part of the timeline)


(We're day 2990 today)

  • Day 680 (17-11-2018), We welcome the public at the University Open Day.
  • Day 670 (7-11-2018), Iop.png Fabrice joins the IOP branch of the West Midlands.
  • Day 662 (30-10-2018), Guillermo Diaz Camacho integrates our group for two months.
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  • Day 656 (24-10-2018), Fabrice gives the 3rd Physics Seminar.
  • Day 649 (17-10-2018), Plamen Petrov gives the 2nd Physics Seminar.
  • Day 649 (17-10-2018), The University opens a Lecturer position in Condensed Matter.
  • Day 648 (16-10-2018), Fabrice is appointed external examiner of the Ph.D thesis of Giuseppe Buonaiuto.
  • Day 645 (13-10-2018), We speak about waves at the University Open Day.
  • Day 635 (03-10-2018), We now have a YouTube channel.
  • Day 635 (03-10-2018), We meet teachers and exhibit our Physics lab for the Black Country GCSE science conference in Wolverhampton.
  • Day 634 (02-10-2018), Our applet on polariton and Jaynes-Cummings Blockade is published as a Wolfram demonstration.
  • Day 632 (30-09-2018), we now have a blog!
  • Day 626 (24-09-2018), We welcome our second generation of Wulfrunian physicists, the Jaynes cohort: welcome to Dilem, Luke, Amin, Govind, Humza, Nathaniel, Praneet, Mitchell, Joel and Dylan.
  • Day 621 (19-09-2018), Fabrice graduates as the Chair of Light-Matter interactions.
  • Day 497, We explore Research collaborations on "Quantum Biology" with colleagues from the Biology department.
  • Day 496, Andrew coordinates the school of mathematics and computer science final year project poster exhibition.
  • Day 343, We host our first poster session, on Optics, with Chloë (burning lenses), Jac (camera obscura), Robert (polarisation) and Stephanie (width of a hair) presenting their work to a large panel.
Posters-hb2017-12-14 14.16.02.jpg
  • Day 332, Topological order and thermal equilibrium in polariton condensates is published in Nature Materials, doi:10.1038/nmat5039
  • Day 316, We participate to the University's Open Day, talking about Colours and showing how they mix.
  • Day 299, We welcome IOP Education Dept. members from the Midlands areas and introduce them to our course of Physics.
  • Day 297, Fabrice talks about spoons at the Bright Club in Wolverhampton, Arena Theatre.
  • Day 283, Fabrice gives a talk on "Differences and similarities between classical and quantum processing units" at the University of Southampton.
  • Day 275, We participate to the World Space Week and launch a rocket.
  • Day 262, We start the first Physics course at the UoW, with 6 students (Chloe, Jac, Jamie, Robert, Ryan & Stephanie).
  • Day 256, our paper Kinetic Monte Carlo approach to nonequilibrium bosonic systems by T. Liew et al. is published as Phys. Rev. B 96, 125423 (2017).
  • Day 252, our Wolfram demonstration Dispersion Properties of a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate is available online (play with it here).
  • Day 251, our paper Topological order and equilibrium in a condensate of exciton-polaritons is accepted for publication in Nature Materials.
  • Day 243, our paper Kinetic Monte Carlo approach to nonequilibrium bosonic systems by T. Liew et al. is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B.
  • Day 235, Fabrice gives a one hour tutorial at the Resonator QED conference, 31 August-1 September, in Munich, Germany (and chairs the closing session).
  • Day 207, Our paper Photon Correlations from the Mollow Triplet is published in Laser & Photonics Review.
  • Day 202: Ogden trust's CEO, Clare Harvey, visits us to tread the grounds of the future playgrounds of Physics in Wolverhampton.
  • Day 200: Mariam and Anji join the group (with support from the Nuffield Foundation) to work on the characterisation of quantum sources of light from their photon emission:
  • Day 154: POLAFLOW is transferred to the UoW, with a dotation of 29,373.29€.
  • Day 152: Camilo arrives to Daniele Sanvitto's advanced photonics lab in Lecce, Italy, to closely collaborate with our experimental colleagues.
  • Day 151: Our paper Structure of the Harmonic Oscillator in the space of n-particle Glauber correlators is accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Physics.
  • Day 145: New research paper submitted, "Frequency-resolved Monte Carlo": arXiv:1705.10978.
  • Day 117: First demonstration, with our \gamma radiosource: studying the inverse square law with the Dudley college.
  • Day 115: Our contributed talk "N-photon emission from resonance fluorescence" to the 18th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN18) got upgraded to an Invited Talk.
  • Day 113: Our paper "Macroscopic two-dimensional polariton condensates" by Ballarini et al. is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.
  • Day 104: Updated version of our experiment entangling a polariton with a photon: arXiv:1609.01244v2.
  • Day 95: New Research paper submitted, Photon Correlations from the Mollow triplet: arXiv:1704.03220
  • Day 87: We made an outreach video for the quickly approaching Physics course.
  • Day 82: bits of a Fabrice's interview pop up in an article of Le Monde.png.
  • Day 80: Microcavities's 2nd edition has been submitted for production.
  • Day 68: Our proposal "quopp" is submitted (QuantERA).
  • Day 46: Camilo joins the group.
  • Day 34: Our proposal ȹ is submitted (ERC).
  • Day 7: First talk (for the UK Quantum Dot day of the IOP).