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From Wolverhampton Light and Matter
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(''News'' that are not new anymore become part of the timeline)
(''News'' that are not new anymore become part of the timeline)
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]] December 11, We talk about ''Sounds'' at the Christmas Lecture, in the Arena Theatre.-->
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] December 5,
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] August 19, '''[[Physics Day]]''' at the [[UoW]]: come and learn about lasers, $\gamma$ rays and technologies of the future, and what the UoW has to offer you in some of the most fascinating aspects of sciences. Everybody welcome.-->
* [[File:newave.gif|link=]] December 11, We talk about ''Sounds'' at the Christmas Lecture, in the Arena Theatre.-->
*  [[File:newave.gif|link=]] September (2018): Fabrice gets invited to the [https://metanano.ifmo.ru/ METANANO-2018] in Sochi, Russia.
<!--* [[File:newave.gif|link=]][[File:newave.gif|link=]] August 19, '''[[Physics Day]]''' at the [[UoW]]: come and learn about lasers, $\gamma$ rays and technologies of the future, and what the UoW has to offer you in some of the most fascinating aspects of sciences. Everybody welcome.
*  [[File:newave.gif|link=]] September (2018): Fabrice gets invited to the [https://metanano.ifmo.ru/ METANANO-2018] in Sochi, Russia.-->
= Timeline =
= Timeline =
(We're day  {{#expr:(({{#time: U | now }}-{{#time: U | 2017-01-07 }})/(86400) round 0)+1}} today)
(We're day  {{#expr:(({{#time: U | now }}-{{#time: U | 2017-01-06 }})/(86400) round 0)}} today)
* Day 348, We welcome a new PhD student in our group: Ksenia Tihomirova.
* Day 1343 {{day|9|09|2020}}, We reach and pass 100 twitter followers.
* Day 1259 {{day|18|06|2020}}, Our paper on [https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.101.063824 Tuning photon statistics with coherent fields] is published in Phys. Rev. A.
* Day 1256 {{day|15|06|2020}}, Our paper [https://journals.aps.org/prresearch/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.023337 Finite-energy accelerating beam dynamics in wavelet-based representations] is published in Phys. Rev. Res.
* Day 1256 {{day|15|06|2020}}, Our review of [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/lpor.202070032 Conventional and Unconventional Photon Statistics] is published in Laser Photonics Rev. and makes the cover of the journal:
* Day 1223 {{day|13|05|2020}}, Our paper on the [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-020-0324-x Quantum hydrodynamics of a single particle] is published in Light.
* Day 1165 {{day|16|03|2020}}, Our contribution to the [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6455/ab69a8/meta Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy] in Journal of Physics B, closes the issue.
* Day 1123 {{day|3|2|2020}}, Our paper on [https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.053601 N-Phonon Bundle Emission via the Stokes Process] is published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
* Day 1106 {{day|17|01|2020}}, Elena gives her {{iop}} Lecture on Music in Stafford.
* Day 1063 {{day|5|12|2019}}, Fabrice speaks about "''The most important (simplest yet most unfathomable) experiment in Physics: the double slit experiment''" at Keele's Physics Centre (IOP event).
* Day 1013 {{day|16|10|2019}}, Fabrice gives his {{iop}} [[Nobel_seminar_(October_2019)|Nobel Lecture]].
* Day 1011 {{day|14|10|2019}}, Fabrice gives the première of his [[Nobel_seminar_(October_2019)|Nobel Lecture]] at the University of Wolverhampton in Stafford.
* Day 1000 {{day|3|10|2019}}, We celebrate 1000 days of Physics in Wolverhampton (at the Mystic Grill Dosa).
* Day 999 {{day|2|10|2019}}, Our {{iop}} Lecture series start for this 2019/20 with [[Sánchez_Muñoz_seminar_(October_2019)|Carlos Sánchez's tiniest sound]].
* Day 977 {{day|10|9|2019}}, The Physics team welcomes two internationally leading Lecturers ([https://www.wlv.ac.uk/staff/news/september-2019/the-physics-team-welcomes-two-internationally-leading-lecturers.php?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=WLV_Insider_11_September_2019&utm_medium=email Staff News])
* Day 885{{day|10|06|2019}}, Our paper on [https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.99.214301 Formation of nonlinear X-waves in condensed matter systems] is published in Phys. Rev. B.
* Day 880 {{day|27|5|2019}}, Camilo, Elena and Fabrice attend the [https://events.mifp.eu/terametanano-2019/index.html TeraMetaNano-4] conference in Lecce, Italy
* Day 861 {{day|17|5|2019}}, 7th Physics (and first Tea-) seminar: [[Nalitov_seminar_(May_2019)|Nalitov seminar]].
* Day 851 {{day|8|5|2019}}, We address Telford college's A-level Math & Physics students.
* Day 845 {{day|1|5|2019}}, Dr. Anton Nalitov joins us as Lecturer of Condensed Matter Physics.
* Day 826 {{day|12|4|2019}}, First [https://www.wlv.ac.uk/about-us/news-and-events/latest-news/2019/april-2019/imagine-there-is-no-space-and-time---the-black-hole-explained.php blog post] on the University website, on Sagittarius A*.
* Day 824 {{day|10|4|2019}}, We host our 3rd IOP seminar (7th Physics seminar): [[Newsam_seminar_(April_2019)|Newsam seminar]].
* Day 818 {{day|4|4|2019}}, We welcome A-level Physics students from Oldburywells to speak about free fall (and terminal velocity).
* Day 805 {{day|22|3|2019}}, Physics settles in its new whereabouts (in MA104).
* Day 804 {{day|21|3|2019}}, Fabrice gives a talk on ''conservation of momentum'' for the mathsoc.
* Day 791 {{day|8|3|2019}}, we celebrate the International Women's Day.
* Day 773 {{day|18|2|2019}}, we write a [https://goo.gl/n98HgC News & Views] in Nature Materials for a milestone of quantum polaritonics: the observation of polariton blockade (sought since at least 2006):
* Day 768 {{day|13|2|2019}}, we host our first Astronomy Workshop with the Wolverhampton Astronomy Society, on ''astronomical interactive imaging via the Faulkes Telescope Project''.
* Day 762 {{day|7|2|2019}}, our paper [https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.057401 ''Quasichiral Interactions between Quantum Emitters at the Nanoscale''] is published in ''Physical Review Letters''.
<center> [[File:downing19a-cover.png|200px]]</center>
* Day 757 {{day|2|2|2019}}, We welcome the public at the University Open Day, talking about free fall.
* Day 754 {{day|30|1|2019}}, we host our 2nd IOP talk, the [[Cross_seminar_(January_2019)|Cross Seminar]] on ''Friction, Stiction and Areo-constriction: How Formula one racing cars cheat the laws of physics''.
* Day 749 {{day|25|1|2019}}, new research available at [https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.09030 arXiv:1901.09030] on conventional & unconventional photon statistics.
* Day 740 {{day|16|1|2019}}, we welcome high-school students for the SciExplore event, to discuss [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXYldNzg5QQ how Physicists describe the Word around us].
* Day 732 {{day|8|1|2019}}, our paper [http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6455/aaf68d ''Impact of detuning and dephasing on a laser-corrected subnatural-linewidth single-photon source''] is published in ''J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Opt.''
<center> [[File:foquo-snapshot.png|200px]]</center>
* Day 698 {{day|5|12|2018}}, our paper [http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6455/aaf68d ''Impact of detuning and dephasing on a laser-corrected subnatural-linewidth single-photon source''] has been accepted for publication at ''J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Opt.''
* Day 686 {{day|23|11|2018}}, Eduardo Zubizarreta  joins our group for 10 days.
* Day 680 {{day|17|11|2018}}, We welcome the public at the University Open Day.
* Day 670 {{day|7|11|2018}}, {{iop}} Fabrice joins the IOP branch of the West Midlands.
* Day 662 {{day|30|10|2018}}, Guillermo Diaz Camacho integrates our group for two months.
* Day 656 {{day|24|10|2018}}, Fabrice gives the [[Nobel_seminar_(October_2018)|3rd]] [[Physics Seminar]].
* Day 649 {{day|17|10|2018}}, Plamen Petrov gives the [[Petrov_seminar_(October_2018)|2nd]] [[Physics Seminar]].
* Day 649 {{day|17|10|2018}}, The University opens a Lecturer position in Condensed Matter.
* Day 648 {{day|16|10|2018}}, Fabrice is appointed external examiner of the Ph.D thesis of [https://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=d_QsZngAAAAJ&hl=en Giuseppe Buonaiuto].
* Day 645 {{day|13|10|2018}}, We speak about [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6otXXet2r0 waves] at the University Open Day.
* Day 635 {{day|03|10|2018}}, We now have a [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVYz3Ly1pg5N5oL_w96OUXg YouTube channel].
* Day 635 {{day|03|10|2018}}, We meet teachers and exhibit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG7wxGcZ-ns our Physics lab] for the Black Country GCSE science conference in Wolverhampton.
*Day 634 {{day|02|10|2018}}, Our applet on polariton and Jaynes-Cummings Blockade is published as a [http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/PolaritonAndJaynesCummingsBlockade/ Wolfram demonstration].
*Day 632 {{day|30|09|2018}}, [http://camilopez.org/wlmblog/ we now have a blog!]
*Day 626 {{day|24|09|2018}}, We welcome our second generation of Wulfrunian physicists, the Jaynes cohort: welcome to Dilem, Luke, Amin, Govind, Humza, Nathaniel, Praneet, Mitchell, Joel and Dylan.
*Day 621 {{day|19|09|2018}}, Fabrice graduates as the Chair of Light-Matter interactions.
*Day 619 {{day|17|09|2018}}, Camilo joins the group as Teaching Associate (permanent).
*Day 607 {{day|05|09|2018}}, The University opens a Senior Lecturer position in Quantum Physics.
*Day 565, our paper [https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.047401 ''Photon-Number-Resolved Measurement of an Exciton-Polariton Condensate''] is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. and is featured in [[File:physicsAPS.png|42px|link=https://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.047401]].
*Day 550, our paper [http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-9565/aacfbe ''Joint subnatural-linewidth and single-photon emission from resonance fluorescence''] is published in Quantum Science and Technology.
<center> [[File:sublime-snapshot.png|200px]]</center>
*Day 535, New reseach sibmitted: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08774 ''Impact of detuning and dephasing on a laser-corrected subnatural-linewidth single-photon source''].
*Day 521, We speak about our research at the "Annual Research Conference" at The University of Wolverhampton.
<center> [[File:Camilo-ARC2018.jpg|400px]]</center>
* Day 497, We explore Research collaborations on "Quantum Biology" with colleagues from the Biology department.
* Day 496, Andrew coordinates the school of mathematics and computer science final year project poster exhibition.
* Day 494, We explore Research collaborations on "Quantum Engineering of Light" with colleagues from the Engineering School.
*Day 487, New research submitted: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.02959 ''Photon number-resolved measurement of an exciton-polariton condensate''].
*Day 482, our paper [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-24975-y ''Frequency-resolved Monte Carlo''] is published in Scientific Reports.
*Day 470, We participate in the University's Open Day, talking about the polarization of light.
*Day 469, our paper [http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/4/4/eaao6814 ''First observation of the quantized exciton-polariton field and effect of interactions on a single polariton'']  is published in Science Advances.
*Day 403, New research submitted: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.04771 ''Joint subnatural-linewidth and single-photon emission from resonance fluorescence''].
*Day 403, we submit a popular science paper about [https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.04540 ''Photon correlations in both time and frequency''] to [https://quantum-journal.org/leaps/ Quantum Leaps].
*Day 374, New research available: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.04779 ''Negative-mass effects in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates''].
*Day 367, New research submitted: [https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.02580 ''Ultrafast topology shaping by a Rabi-oscillating vortex''].
*Day 367, our paper [https://www.osapublishing.org/optica/abstract.cfm?uri=optica-5-1-14 ''Filtering multiphoton emission from state-of-the-art cavity quantum electrodynamics'']  is published in Optica.
* Day 343, We host our first poster session, on Optics, with Chloë (burning lenses), Jac (camera obscura), Robert (polarisation) and Stephanie (width of a hair) presenting their work to a large panel.
* Day 343, We host our first poster session, on Optics, with Chloë (burning lenses), Jac (camera obscura), Robert (polarisation) and Stephanie (width of a hair) presenting their work to a large panel.
<center>[[File:posters-hb2017-12-14 14.16.02.jpg|400px]]</center>
<center>[[File:posters-hb2017-12-14 14.16.02.jpg|400px]]</center>
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<center>[[File: Quantum-dot-day-Edinburg2017.jpg|400px]]</center>
<center>[[File: Quantum-dot-day-Edinburg2017.jpg|400px]]</center>
* Day 1 (6th of January): We arrive in [[Wolverhampton]].
* Day 1 (6th of January 2017): We arrive in [[Wolverhampton]].

Latest revision as of 14:33, 9 September 2020


(News that are not new anymore become part of the timeline)


(We're day 2990 today)

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  • Day 1106 (17-01-2020), Elena gives her Iop.png Lecture on Music in Stafford.
  • Day 1063 (5-12-2019), Fabrice speaks about "The most important (simplest yet most unfathomable) experiment in Physics: the double slit experiment" at Keele's Physics Centre (IOP event).
  • Day 1013 (16-10-2019), Fabrice gives his Iop.png Nobel Lecture.
  • Day 1011 (14-10-2019), Fabrice gives the première of his Nobel Lecture at the University of Wolverhampton in Stafford.
  • Day 1000 (3-10-2019), We celebrate 1000 days of Physics in Wolverhampton (at the Mystic Grill Dosa).
  • Day 999 (2-10-2019), Our Iop.png Lecture series start for this 2019/20 with Carlos Sánchez's tiniest sound.
  • Day 977 (10-9-2019), The Physics team welcomes two internationally leading Lecturers (Staff News)
Screenshot 20-07-2020 163532.jpg
  • Day 880 (27-5-2019), Camilo, Elena and Fabrice attend the TeraMetaNano-4 conference in Lecce, Italy
  • Day 861 (17-5-2019), 7th Physics (and first Tea-) seminar: Nalitov seminar.
  • Day 851 (8-5-2019), We address Telford college's A-level Math & Physics students.
  • Day 845 (1-5-2019), Dr. Anton Nalitov joins us as Lecturer of Condensed Matter Physics.
  • Day 826 (12-4-2019), First blog post on the University website, on Sagittarius A*.
  • Day 824 (10-4-2019), We host our 3rd IOP seminar (7th Physics seminar): Newsam seminar.
  • Day 818 (4-4-2019), We welcome A-level Physics students from Oldburywells to speak about free fall (and terminal velocity).
  • Day 805 (22-3-2019), Physics settles in its new whereabouts (in MA104).
  • Day 804 (21-3-2019), Fabrice gives a talk on conservation of momentum for the mathsoc.
  • Day 791 (8-3-2019), we celebrate the International Women's Day.
Screenshot 20190308 125535.png
  • Day 773 (18-2-2019), we write a News & Views in Nature Materials for a milestone of quantum polaritonics: the observation of polariton blockade (sought since at least 2006):
Screenshot 20190222 140553.png
  • Day 768 (13-2-2019), we host our first Astronomy Workshop with the Wolverhampton Astronomy Society, on astronomical interactive imaging via the Faulkes Telescope Project.
  • Day 757 (2-2-2019), We welcome the public at the University Open Day, talking about free fall.
  • Day 754 (30-1-2019), we host our 2nd IOP talk, the Cross Seminar on Friction, Stiction and Areo-constriction: How Formula one racing cars cheat the laws of physics.
  • Day 749 (25-1-2019), new research available at arXiv:1901.09030 on conventional & unconventional photon statistics.
  • Day 698 (5-12-2018), our paper Impact of detuning and dephasing on a laser-corrected subnatural-linewidth single-photon source has been accepted for publication at J. Phys. B: Atom. Mol. Opt.
  • Day 686 (23-11-2018), Eduardo Zubizarreta joins our group for 10 days.
  • Day 680 (17-11-2018), We welcome the public at the University Open Day.
  • Day 670 (7-11-2018), Iop.png Fabrice joins the IOP branch of the West Midlands.
  • Day 662 (30-10-2018), Guillermo Diaz Camacho integrates our group for two months.
IMG 20181105 130133550.jpg
  • Day 656 (24-10-2018), Fabrice gives the 3rd Physics Seminar.
  • Day 649 (17-10-2018), Plamen Petrov gives the 2nd Physics Seminar.
  • Day 649 (17-10-2018), The University opens a Lecturer position in Condensed Matter.
  • Day 648 (16-10-2018), Fabrice is appointed external examiner of the Ph.D thesis of Giuseppe Buonaiuto.
  • Day 645 (13-10-2018), We speak about waves at the University Open Day.
  • Day 635 (03-10-2018), We now have a YouTube channel.
  • Day 635 (03-10-2018), We meet teachers and exhibit our Physics lab for the Black Country GCSE science conference in Wolverhampton.
  • Day 634 (02-10-2018), Our applet on polariton and Jaynes-Cummings Blockade is published as a Wolfram demonstration.
  • Day 632 (30-09-2018), we now have a blog!
  • Day 626 (24-09-2018), We welcome our second generation of Wulfrunian physicists, the Jaynes cohort: welcome to Dilem, Luke, Amin, Govind, Humza, Nathaniel, Praneet, Mitchell, Joel and Dylan.
  • Day 621 (19-09-2018), Fabrice graduates as the Chair of Light-Matter interactions.
  • Day 497, We explore Research collaborations on "Quantum Biology" with colleagues from the Biology department.
  • Day 496, Andrew coordinates the school of mathematics and computer science final year project poster exhibition.
  • Day 343, We host our first poster session, on Optics, with Chloë (burning lenses), Jac (camera obscura), Robert (polarisation) and Stephanie (width of a hair) presenting their work to a large panel.
Posters-hb2017-12-14 14.16.02.jpg
  • Day 332, Topological order and thermal equilibrium in polariton condensates is published in Nature Materials, doi:10.1038/nmat5039
  • Day 316, We participate to the University's Open Day, talking about Colours and showing how they mix.
  • Day 299, We welcome IOP Education Dept. members from the Midlands areas and introduce them to our course of Physics.
  • Day 297, Fabrice talks about spoons at the Bright Club in Wolverhampton, Arena Theatre.
  • Day 283, Fabrice gives a talk on "Differences and similarities between classical and quantum processing units" at the University of Southampton.
  • Day 275, We participate to the World Space Week and launch a rocket.
  • Day 262, We start the first Physics course at the UoW, with 6 students (Chloe, Jac, Jamie, Robert, Ryan & Stephanie).
  • Day 256, our paper Kinetic Monte Carlo approach to nonequilibrium bosonic systems by T. Liew et al. is published as Phys. Rev. B 96, 125423 (2017).
  • Day 252, our Wolfram demonstration Dispersion Properties of a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate is available online (play with it here).
  • Day 251, our paper Topological order and equilibrium in a condensate of exciton-polaritons is accepted for publication in Nature Materials.
  • Day 243, our paper Kinetic Monte Carlo approach to nonequilibrium bosonic systems by T. Liew et al. is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B.
  • Day 235, Fabrice gives a one hour tutorial at the Resonator QED conference, 31 August-1 September, in Munich, Germany (and chairs the closing session).
  • Day 207, Our paper Photon Correlations from the Mollow Triplet is published in Laser & Photonics Review.
  • Day 202: Ogden trust's CEO, Clare Harvey, visits us to tread the grounds of the future playgrounds of Physics in Wolverhampton.
  • Day 200: Mariam and Anji join the group (with support from the Nuffield Foundation) to work on the characterisation of quantum sources of light from their photon emission:
  • Day 154: POLAFLOW is transferred to the UoW, with a dotation of 29,373.29€.
  • Day 152: Camilo arrives to Daniele Sanvitto's advanced photonics lab in Lecce, Italy, to closely collaborate with our experimental colleagues.
  • Day 151: Our paper Structure of the Harmonic Oscillator in the space of $n$-particle Glauber correlators is accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Physics.
  • Day 145: New research paper submitted, "Frequency-resolved Monte Carlo": arXiv:1705.10978.
  • Day 117: First demonstration, with our $\gamma$ radiosource: studying the inverse square law with the Dudley college.
  • Day 115: Our contributed talk "N-photon emission from resonance fluorescence" to the 18th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN18) got upgraded to an Invited Talk.
  • Day 113: Our paper "Macroscopic two-dimensional polariton condensates" by Ballarini et al. is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.
  • Day 104: Updated version of our experiment entangling a polariton with a photon: arXiv:1609.01244v2.
  • Day 95: New Research paper submitted, Photon Correlations from the Mollow triplet: arXiv:1704.03220
  • Day 87: We made an outreach video for the quickly approaching Physics course.
  • Day 82: bits of a Fabrice's interview pop up in an article of Le Monde.png.
  • Day 80: Microcavities's 2nd edition has been submitted for production.
  • Day 68: Our proposal "quopp" is submitted (QuantERA).
  • Day 46: Camilo joins the group.
  • Day 34: Our proposal ȹ is submitted (ERC).
  • Day 7: First talk (for the UK Quantum Dot day of the IOP).