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<div>= Cherotchenko Seminar =<br />
<br />
<small>(or back to the [[Physics seminars]] page)</small><br />
<br />
* '''What?''' Electronic structures of CsPbBr3xClx perovskites: synthesis, experimental characterization, and DFT simulations.<br />
* '''Who?''' Evgeniia Cherotchenko<br />
* '''Where?''' Wulfruna building (city campus), MA211.<br />
* '''When?''' Thu 31 October, 14:00.<br />
* '''Why?''' Evgeniia will introduce his research.<br />
* '''How?''' The talk is one hour and open to questions, tea & cookies will be provided.<br />
<br />
* '''Chair''': Anton Nalitov<br />
<br />
<hr><p><br />
<br />
'''Abstract:''' Lead halide perovskites have attracted close attention from the scientific community not only due to their remarkable photovoltaic properties, but also due to their applicability to light-emitting devices because of the high photoluminescence (PL) quantum efficiency and broadly tunable emission wavelengths of these materials. Particular attention is paid to inorganic mixed-halide CsPbBr3xClx compositions, which exhibit electroluminescence in the green and blue optical ranges and are actively used for the creation of various nanophotonic components. In my presentation I will discuss the electronic and optical properties of these materials and their possible applications. For every perovskite of certain composition, identified by quantitative XPS analysis, the band gap was derived from optical absorption, yielding a reliable nonlinear dependence, which could be useful for accurate prediction of the band gaps of related bulk mixed-halide perovskites. Furthermore, despite the variation in the perovskite anionic composition, their band gap remains direct at the G-point and no significant change in the shape of the band structure near this point occurs. The obtained results are confirmed by numerical calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), showing the evolution of the crystal lattice constants as well as valence and conduction band structures. <br />
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<center><br />
[[File:cherotchenko.png|400px]]<br />
<\center></div>Antonhttp://camilopez.org/mediawiki-1.31.1-wlv/index.php?title=File:Cherotchenko.png&diff=1209File:Cherotchenko.png2019-10-28T15:10:02Z<p>Anton: Anton uploaded a new version of File:Cherotchenko.png</p>
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<div></div>Antonhttp://camilopez.org/mediawiki-1.31.1-wlv/index.php?title=File:Cherotchenko.png&diff=1208File:Cherotchenko.png2019-10-28T15:03:37Z<p>Anton: </p>
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<div></div>Antonhttp://camilopez.org/mediawiki-1.31.1-wlv/index.php?title=Physics_Seminars&diff=1001Physics Seminars2019-05-24T12:53:39Z<p>Anton: </p>
<hr />
<div>This is a list of our WLM seminars (in chronological order, last given is last in the list):<br />
<br />
# [[Hancock seminar (March 2018)]] on nanographene.<br />
# [[Petrov seminar (October 2018)]] on squeezed light.<br />
# [[Nobel seminar (October 2018)]] on the Nobel prize of this year.<br />
# {{iop}} [[Wilkinson seminar (December 2018)]] on medical & forensic applications of Physics.<br />
# {{iop}} [[Cross seminar (January 2019)]] on fast cars.<br />
# {{iop}} [[Newsam seminar (April 2019)]] on Astronomy and Art.<br />
# [[Nalitov seminar (May 2019)]] on topogical and nonlinear effects with polaritons.<br />
# [[Sigurdsson seminar (June 2019)]], on time-delay polaritonics<br />
<br />
<p>&nbsp;</p><br />
We also keep a list of interesting seminars of special interest to the audience of ours:<br />
<br />
# [[Wolverhampton Astronomical Society (March 2019)]] on the Science of Armageddon.</div>Antonhttp://camilopez.org/mediawiki-1.31.1-wlv/index.php?title=Sigurdsson_seminar_(June_2019)&diff=1000Sigurdsson seminar (June 2019)2019-05-24T12:51:20Z<p>Anton: </p>
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<div>= Sigurdsson Seminar =<br />
<br />
<small>(or back to the [[Physics seminars]] page)</small><br />
<br />
* '''What?''' Time-Delay Polaritonics<br />
* '''Who?''' [https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=7GLQa80AAAAJ Helgi Sigurdsson] (University of Southampton).<br />
Dr. Helgi Sigurdsson is a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, School of<br />
Physics and Astronomy in the Hybrid Photonics group led by Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis. He specializes<br />
in theoretical studies involving strong light-matter physics with a strong focus on exciton-polariton<br />
condensates. He received his BSc in physics from the University of Iceland in 2012 and PhD in<br />
Research Physics at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2016 under the supervision<br />
of Prof. Ivan Shelykh. From 2016 to 2018 he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of<br />
Iceland under the supervision of Prof. Vidar Gudmundsson and Prof. Ivan Shelykh. His works involve<br />
realizing universal logic circuitry based on spatially manipulated exciton-polariton condensates,<br />
topological polaritonics, bifurcation points, numerical simulation of polariton condensate kinetics,<br />
artificial gauge fields for light-dressed electron states, and classical simulators for optimization tasks<br />
inspired by polariton condensate networks.<br />
* '''Where?''' Wulfruna building (city campus), tbc.<br />
* '''When?''' Thursday 13th June, 16:00.<br />
* '''Why?''' Helgi will overview recent advances in his research<br />
* '''How?''' The talk is one hour and open to questions, tea & cookies will be provided.<br />
<br />
* '''Chair''': [[Anton Nalitov]]<br />
<br />
<hr><p><br />
<br />
'''Abstract:''' The field of <i>polaritonics</i> has experienced a dramatic growth due to being highly<br />
interdisciplinary and promising state-of-the-art devices with low power operation, fast signal<br />
processing capabilities, versatile control, room-temperature operation, and optical input-readout. The<br />
condensation of polaritons appears due to stimulated scattering into a high-gain state and is therefore<br />
fundamentally different from standard equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensation and sometimes<br />
referred as <i>lasing without inversion</i>. Conventionally, polariton condensates, and their equilibrium<br />
counterparts, are studied in trap geometries which restrict their phase space and allow easy study of<br />
complicated many body phenomena such as Josephson physics. However, in the inverse case, when<br />
polariton condensates are freely expanding from small (point-like) sources realized using tightly<br />
focused incoherent lasers they experience dynamics reminiscent of coupled semiconductor lasers with<br />
a time-delay.<br />
<br />
In this lecture, I will present experimental results and an intuitive theoretical approach<br />
describing two spatially separated non-trapped polariton condensates, entitled the <i>polariton dyad</i>. The<br />
study provides evidence, for the first time, that interactions between non-trapped polariton<br />
condensates are approximately captured with coupled nonlinear time-delayed equations of motion,<br />
similar to the Lang-Kobayashi equation. A strong link between the field of polaritonics and<br />
semiconductor lasers is therefore established, and the potential of using polariton networks to simulate<br />
complex time delay problems in various sciences such as economics, epidemic outbreaks, traffic<br />
models, biology, etc., becomes possible. Of interest today are efficient devices which can emulate<br />
neurological functions which are naturally dictated by time delayed responses and history<br />
dependence.<br />
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<p><br />
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--></div>Antonhttp://camilopez.org/mediawiki-1.31.1-wlv/index.php?title=Sigurdsson_seminar_(June_2019)&diff=999Sigurdsson seminar (June 2019)2019-05-24T12:43:10Z<p>Anton: </p>
<hr />
<div>= Sigurdsson Seminar =<br />
<br />
<small>(or back to the [[Physics seminars]] page)</small><br />
<br />
* '''What?''' Time-Delay Polaritonics<br />
* '''Who?''' [https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=7GLQa80AAAAJ Helgi Sigurdsson] (University of Southampton).<br />
* '''Where?''' Wulfruna building (city campus), tbc.<br />
* '''When?''' Thursday 13th June, 16:00.<br />
* '''Why?''' tbc.<br />
* '''How?''' The talk is one hour and open to questions, tea & cookies will be provided.<br />
<br />
* '''Chair''': [[Anton Nalitov]]<br />
<br />
<hr><p><br />
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'''Abstract:''' tbc.<br />
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