Applied Physics (6AP007)

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Applied Physics (6AP007)

This module on Applied Physics will apply one's knowledge of Physics into the design, engineering and development of applications and technology. In this respect, it strongly overlaps with the subject of engineering. However, while the later focuses on making things work, applied physics focuses on how and why things works. Applied physics can be of a purely theoretical character, and some of the most important open problems of physics are precisely of this type, e.g., how to make a superconductor at room temperature; or how does unconventional superconductivity, that seems a road towards this goal, work?; or what other mechanisms could one imagine to explore other way to reach that goal? This module will, nevertheless, be strongly laboratory-based. It will cover a large breadth of advanced topics in optics and electronics and how they can be used to implement various types of devices. It will also build foundations and material for research-oriented work, to be undertaken as part of this year's study or in preparation for one's future career.  Topics will range from the study of advanced optics and electronics, laser beams, liquid crystals, semiconductor heterostructures, metamaterials, opto-electronic devices, photonics, nonlinear and ultrafast optics.

Our setup for diffraction and Fourier Optics experiments.