Khechara seminar (April 2020)

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Khechara Show

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  • What? The most dangerous experiments in Physics!
  • Who? Dr. Martin Khechara – web & mail.
  • Where? Wulfruna building (city campus), room MA030
  • When? 29 April 2020, refreshments are available from 7.00pm, lecture starts at 7.30pm, we finish by 9.00pm.
  • Why? IOP Evening Lecture, Daring our Microbiologist Supreme to put his life on stake on stage.
  • How? The talk is one hour and open to questions, if speaker still alive — refreshments will be served.
  • Chair: Prof. Fabrice Laussy
  • Registration: (optional but recommended for catering) [ Get me some drinks].

Abstract: As every other enterprise of exploration, Science can be quite a risky business. Some of the most dangerous experiments ever performed, like the Trinity test, or with controlled fusion, or with the LHC close to creating black holes, or at the Extreme Light Infrastructure on the verge of tearing-out spacetime, are within the realm of Physics (experiments in biology and/or with people can also be notoriously nasty). In this closing lecture to the Series (not coming last for safety reasons), Dr. Khechara—the Outreach scientist who goes where nobody went before—will give an overview of some of the most dangerously mad experiments ever performed, and will actually proceed to bring some of them on stage, putting himself at risk against the elements of Nature, in a fight against electricity, radioactivity, gravity, chemistry, light and matter. All this in under one hour.
