Ohadi seminar (April 2020)
Ohadi Seminar
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- What? Playing with weird quantum fluids and making them do things
- Who? Dr. Hamid Ohadi – web & mail.
- Where? Wulfruna building (city campus), room MA030
- When? Friday 3 April 2020, refreshments are available from 7.00pm, lecture starts at 7.30pm, we finish by 9.00pm.
- Why? IOP Evening Lecture
- How? The talk is one hour and open to questions — refreshments will be served.
- Chair: Dr. Anton Nalitov
- Registration: (optional but recommended for catering) [ Get me some drinks].
Abstract: Physics broadly studies two types of objects: light and matter. In modern physics, where everything comes down to "particles", this gives rise to force-carrying particles, the bosons, of which the photons—the particles of light—are the most famous examples, as well as a wealth of material particles (electrons, nucleons, together forming atoms, etc.) One of the greatest success of Physics was to describe the interactions between these particles, in particlar the interaction between light and matter (quantum electrodynamics). In the low-energy, non-relativistic limit, known as quantum optics, one can bring one photon to interact strongly with one material excitation, thus giving rise to new objects which are neither ligth nor matter but a mixture of both, inheriting their opposite characteristics, such as lightspeed propagation and very strong interactions. Dr. Hamid Ohadi, who leads the Quantum Fluids of Light group in the University of Saint Andrews, will introduce these strange quantum objects and show how, by condensing them into fluids, he can manage to make them perform fascinating tricks in his laboratory, opening new venues of fundamental research and promising ground-breaking applications.